Saturday, 3 March 2012

And so it begins.

Having set myself the challenge of finding a new Mobile Marketing contract in the UK. I've decided to make the bold move of marketing myself directly to all of the top UK Digital agencies.

Why? I hear you shout!

Well for anybody whose not been living in a cave for the last 18 months, it's a jungle out there (from a work perspective). There is lots of interesting work and contracts available in Mobile - it's just that too few people actually really understand the complete skill set required for mobilising a complete Enterprise.

So without further ado - I decided that the best way to market myself would be to create a mini campaign - that (hopefully) demonstrates my understanding, technology and savvy about mobile.

What are my credentials? Well I've been in Mobile Marketing since 2005 and have a multitude of Brands and Projects which I can reference - more about these projects in future posts.

So where to start? As ever the hardest part is the first step, so I thought I'd post some images and a little commentary:

Snack, when hungry. 
Always keep the brain clear.

So, being a bit of a retro Mobile Marketing guy, I decided the best place is to get out a pencil (actually, my daughters felt tip pens) and some paper and to begin wire-framing my campaign site:

Machine washable pens - MARVELLOUS.

Available from Smashing Magazine: Paper Stencils 
Available from Smashing Magazine: Paper Stencils

I've already decided that I'll be creating a campaign site using HTML5 with a little HTML wrapper as the home page - this will allow me to be a little creative but more importantly allow my target users to select which version to view depending on their access point - 3G or Fixed. Why this approach? Well, you can do some really nice animation in HTML5 which looks great on a Mobile browser such as Safari - but expecting people to wait for it to download - is a crime.

So I began with a few sketches:

Headline Project Definition :)
Start thinking about the mobile  UI
Translate to visual and Beta site
The site has some depth, but will be ready by this coming Monday, ready for me to begin my campaign. I'll list out how and why of the next steps early next week.

Thanks for reading - oh, and by the way - if you'd like to discuss whether I'm free to help you or just shoot the breeze - why not drop me a line or follow me on Twitter.